Here are some suggestions to have a purity ring ceremony with a loved one. This will help make the moment a lasting memory. It’s also a great way to talk about spiritual values and behaviors with your loved one.
- Pray for God’s wisdom before having the discussion.
- Talk about how important godly values are.
- Pray together and read Bible verses that talk about how to live in a godly way. Talk about how important it is to live a pure and clean life that glorifies God and how they will be blessed by this life.
- Let your loved one open the box.
- Take the Vow of Purity Card out of the envelope and witness your loved one sign and date it.
- Pray together again and witness the loved one wearing the ring.
Final notes:
When we are talking about purity, we tend to think primarily about sexual behaviors but in the Bible, our heavenly Father requires us to live pure in mind, in heart, and in soul. God calls us to live a holy life away from evil and wicked ways. Our goal in purity is to honor God and to remember the sacrifice of Jesus. With thankfulness, we pursue a pure life and glorify Him. This Pure Virtue Ring Kit will be a token to remember when in trials and to use as a conversation piece.